National Resources
IPM Voice is an independent nonprofit corporation working to increase Integrated Pest Management (IPM) adoption, awareness, and support.
FieldWatch is a non-profit organization administrated through Purdue University that offers online mapping and communication tools
The Bee Informed Partnership was formed in 2011 to work with beekeepers, gather information and data, and develop methods and protocols that contribute to Best Management Practices
The Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists consists of Canadian Federal and Provincial government employees, university professors, and consultants who are employed in the field of apiculture.
The Western Apiculture Society is a non-profit, beekeeping organization founded in 1978 to educate and benefit any interested beekeepers in Western North America.
The American Honey Producers Association was founded in 1968 as a spin-off from the ABF. Currently, the AHPA has over 550 members.
The American Beekeeping Federation is a national organization established in 1943 that now has more than 1,200 members.
The USDA Baton Rouge Bee Lab in Baton Rouge, LA is, as the title suggests, concerned primarily with honey bee breeding and genetic issues.